Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Why did I think I could do this now?

It all started about 5 weeks ago with a planned knee scope for my husband. He completely tore the outside cartilage of his right knee in half. They went in and removed it completely while he was put under. That day was a little frustrating for me as I had to run out while the surgery was happening and my car wouldn't start. It finally did and everything worked out. My husband had actually just came out and was ready for me to go see him what I arrived, so it all worked out in the end. I got him home and he didn't feel like sitting around so we went out to the mall to walk around with the kids. Yes he over did it, but he wouldn't listen to me. He also figured that he would be OK, at least that night and didn't need me to go out and get him the pain killers that he was prescribed (hind sight being 20/20 of course I really should have). He didn't have the greatest sleep that night. He couldn't get comfortable and he was in a lot of discomfort.

I had planned to let him sleep and relax the next day no matter what, but as my parents often say "all plans cast in jello". That saying was completely true in every sense.

...I will update more when the kids will leave me alone...well maybe I should actually pay attention to them instead...